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According to’s analysis of data from over 50,000 global travelers, six in 10 travelers (61%) pick a destination for great food or drink. More than a third (34%) of travelers, rising to 40% of Millennials, plan to take a food trip in 2018. Almost half (49%) of travelers hope to be more adventurous with the type of cuisine they eat, rising to 60% of Millennials. One way to achieve this is to sample local delicacies whilst traveling. Almost two thirds (64%) of travelers will try to eat more local food in 2018. The #1 Industry Event for Specialization | Oct. 9-11, 2018 Travel Industry Exchange is the leading one-to-one event featuring a product-focused conference, networking and entertainment. Top agents vie for coveted hosted positions to leverage valuable supplier content that will help improve personal growth and increase overall sales. Here are the top destinations for local food from the report: More than half of travelers (54%) want to experience unique dining experiences when traveling. Food trucks are one popular way to do this, so also rounded up the top destinations for food trucks: Over half (51%) of global travelers are likely to seek out local street food markets this year, which is another popular way to try local food. Here are the top destinations for street food: Social media is filled with photographs that show off traveling and foodie adventures.
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"The destination itself is very difficult to travel to,"Stengele said. "We are dealing with travelers having to arrive into Seouland then transfer on trains to the opposite coast, which is adding time andcosts." Once travelers get to the mountain town of Pyeongchang,there is limited hotel availability, and even less of the kinds of high-endaccommodations Olympics travelers prefer, she added. All three InterContinental Hotels Group properties atPyeongchang's Alpensia Resort, including an InterContinental, Holiday InnResort and a Holiday Inn & Suites, are sold out during the Olympic Games,as well as Pyeongchang's Orient Hotel, Kensington Flora and Iwant Resort. Ofthe towns nearby, only the Benikea Hotel in Wonju appears to fit the bill as afull-service hotel, and that's sold out, as well. In Seoul, which is about 80 miles away, two of Hilton'sthree Seoul hotels -- a Conrad and the Millennium Seoul Hilton -- are quotingrates during the Olympics that are about 25% to 30% higher than early Marchroom rates, while the third hotel, a Grand Hilton, is quoting slightly lowerrates. Eric Kareus, director of travel and co-owner of ATJ, whichspecializes in leisure trips in Asia, noted that while South Korea is not a topdestination for the company, he has had clients voice concerns. Seoul is a big stopover destination for many Asia travelers,and some choose to spend a little time there before heading on to theirdestinations. But ATJ has had some clients call and ask if they can avoidSeoul. Kareus also said that while the company previously had someFIT travelers choose to do an entirely Korea-focused trip, it hasn't had anyrequests for such trips in the past year.
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